One of the Hammers biggest weapons throughout the years, Logan brought home the MVP & coveted team Triple Crown award with a monster year in '07. He led the club with a .625 batting average, 45 RBI's and 6 HR's. He is the first player since the Hofbrau/Manet merger in 2002 to win the prestigious award. It is Logan's 10th team batting title since joining the league in 1989...12-time BSSL Gold-Glove award winner... batted .655 through the last eight games of the season... had three or more hits in eight games this season...went 4-5 with a HR & 6 RBI's in June win over the Manet....had 18 extra base hits...won BSSL rookie of the year award with league champion Louis in 1989...tri-MVP in '07 Merchant League Finals for M.C. affiliate the Hofbrau, where he batted .572 in seven game win over Malachys...quarterbacked the Manets to three wins in 1982...ranks third in all time stickball HR's at Atherton Hough with 952...three sport star for Quincy High School, graduated in 1988...Scott has three sons & a daughter and lives in Houghs Neck with wife Christine.
WOW!!! But you forgot to mention humble!
Tally one.
Target identified.
Master arm on. Centering the T.
I've got tone.
Fox 1!
Was hoping to swing by today and pick up that $20 bucks for adjusting the stats. I really don't feel good about adding 8 more RBI than you actually had or the 50 points to your batting average. The HR's too, I mean four of them were actually errors. But you talked me into it and I really needed the cash.
I'll be by around 1, you can leave it in an envelope in the mailbox if your not around.
sure, let's give him a good write-up to inflate that oversized mellon even more!
now we'll neeeeeever here the end of it!
it's gonna be a long summer.
fratt baby, we all know the Game would never have to pay for any stats. This next message is for evrybody. Please don't let jealousy cloud your pathetic minds, lets all stay with the facts. The facts are this-the stats DON'T LIE!!!The Game has earned his due-LIKE IT OR NOT. Waiting for you Mr.Wysocki.
Where is everybody? What nothing to say now?? Amazing-everyone speechless-except the one who can speak!
we don't keep stats at team Louis/Hoffy II/Morrell Club. mainly because we don't have a book, but also because they don't mean anything.
oh wait, we do keep two stats, wins and losses.
hey game, why don't you stop hitting the ball to right field when you play us. coward.
No problem frattboy! I'll come your way and still get the job done-everytime!!! By the way-what kind of name is frattboy?? Kind of gay-don't you think??? Wait a minute-you Italians don't know how to think. Sorry I forgot!!
By the way Mr. Frattboy- you can't be keeping very good figures on your wins and losses column. Lets do some figuring, shall we? How many titles has your team won, lets say in the last 10 years? I know-ZERO!!! Amazing, just as many as us. But, lets count wins and losses over the same 10 years-I think we have a very lopsided advantage-don't you? The LAST TIME LOUIS WON A CHAMPIONSHIP WAS AROUND 15 YEARS AGO-OH THATS RIGHT, I WAS ON THE TEAM THEN-WHERE WERE YOU BUDDY-OH THATS RIGHT, YOU WERE STILL IN SCHOOL TRYING TO PASS ALGEBRA1. I will give you one thing-true-you have had some better luck SOMETIMES in the playoffs, but two out of the last three seasons, it was us in the finals(yes we did lose) but, it was still us, not Louis/hofbrauII/ or Morrell Club/ or whatever the hell your names are this year. Also, Mr. Fratt, I will make a promise to you right now-My first at bat, when I'm back in the lineup, I WILL come your way, just so you, my friend, will know, that the Game is no coward!!!
Right number-wrong letter! You meant E
True you've have more OVERALL wins than us, but not AGAINST us.
Ouch!!! You might have me on that one. Kudos to Matt Frat. So there is a Frat thats worthy! Tom- take some notes!!!
Hey Frattboy-I understand that you're calling it quits as well. That doesn't sound like you-throwing grenades and packing it in. I sure hope you aren't counting on the Louis team to cash the checks your mouth wrote to the Game. They won't get it done baby. Say it aint so Matt!
I guess your body really does break down when you go OFF the juice!!...And Frat dont worry bout padding his stats, the roids already did it for ya!
And he crawls out of the woodwork! Bill-the only thing you know about juice-is the cookoo juice your drinking to think you can match wit with the Game. Crawl back in the hole you crawled out of until the season starts-and make no mistake about it- the Game will be there to make sure we all have an exciting season. Rehab has started gentlemen-NO juice needed! Look out, the Game is on the mend!!!
Louis/Hoffy/Morrell Club will continue to dominate the Carpenters with or without me. I'm thinking my uncle Anthony could play short and bat clean up and we'd still beat you guys.
Maybe throw Gary Shaw at 1st and bat him leadoff. He's really fast with those roller skates.
You're putting alot of confidence in a bunch of has beens that were already replacing you with your uncle Anthony and a beer can to be named later.
21st post- SUCK WHAT???
Match wit with the great Game? I'm sure I can hold my own,even against a mighty giant like you my friend!..Looking forward to defending the title on the diamond also...Hope all goes well with rehab!!.......cookoo juice? is that what your calling it now?
Defend the title with pride my freind! I'll be back in a year fully loaded and ready to take on the world. The title will follow the Game and his teammates, so, enjoy it while it lasts. Cookoo juice is what I call and you must be drinking if you think you can hang with the mighty giant the Game baby!!!
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