Known for his explosive bat, Wysocki has been one of McInnis Carpentry's featured hitters. He owns a powerful arm and solid glove on the diamond... 7-time team HR Champion... has finished first or second in club RBI totals since 2002 ... batted .714 (10-14) with 14 RBI's during a three game stretch in July....led the McInnis Carpentry bowling team to a championship in the Old School Bowling League in 2003.... Grew up in Squantum.... graduated from North Quincy High School in 1988...Bill is married to Kim and has two daughters and a son...the family lives in Canton.
Explosive bat??? Try explosive ass!!! Of course he's going to rack up RBI's, he bats behind Harper and we all know who else, he better have a few runs knocked in. Lets be honest, Bill you're pretty good, but, you'll never, EEEEEVEEEERR be the Game!!!
and with that, it has begun.
Wait a minute, wait a minute!!! Weight-218??? Thats his head-what does the rest of him weigh???
It should read Expolsive stick! Anyway, no surprises here - another consistent year.
You are right Mr. Wysocki-no surprises here-you are second best to the Game once again. Maybe this year you might have a shot at the HR abd RBI titles with the Game out of action. Enjoy it, because the Game will be back to take whats his.
Wysocki is the backbone to that lineup.
Lose him and your done.
Done with what??? What exactly have we done? I think Wysocki would ask the same question. Have a clue!
Well, it's good to hear that you and your team has the clue.
Believing you've been doing anything good or have a chance at winning a championship would be truly dissapointing for all of you.
The point was my friend... if you lose another average player, who can't hit in the clutch or playoffs, then your days of being a perennial 2nd place team are over.
Well alright then mouth. Why don't you grow a set of balls, and reveal yourself, then, we'll see if you really have anything to say yourself. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to hear about all of the great things you have done. There must be many, seeing as that you don't want anyone to know who you are Mr. anonymous. Lets hear what you have done jackass!!!
No need to get your dander in an uproar Mr. Game.
I was simply stating a fact. If you lose another aging, average player your team will be "done" with it's strong (highly overrated) regular season finishes. It's nothing personal, just a fact.
As far as what I have done... well, all this isn't really about me, is it? I can see that it may be about someone else though, no? A place where an ego can grow and the little boy in all of us can run free under aliases of super heros and professional wrestlers.
-Pedro Morales
You're absolutely right, it isn't about you. As a matter of fact, it looks like we will never know will we? Just shows your true colors tough guy-computer courage. Whats the matter hero-something to hide? I can understand why you don't want anyone to know who you are. Bottom line--COWARDLY BITCH!!!
My, my. Pushing buttons has never been so easy.
I like this "game".
Of course you'll never know who this is, that's not how it works here in this cybo-fantasy world my friend.
As for "true colors", you clearly are not afraid to let them show. Your true colors should be beautiful Mr. Game, like a rainbow. Unfortunately your paint is from a muddled pallet, which gives you a dull picture filled with ego and negativity.
-Bob Backlund
Well, well, well, so you think you've gotten to the Game. Well hero, you have not. True the cyber world can hide your identity, but, it cannot hide the fact that you are completely gutless. Everyone who reads this knows how easy it is to hide behind the computer. I have a whole new respect for John Southern. At least he came at me like a man, took his punches and had his chances to throw some at me, as I will always give the chance to. You hero, are not worth my time anymore-I only deal with people who aren't afraid to hide behind a computer screen.
"I have a whole new respect for John Southern."
Oh my, I never thought I'd read such words!
It's too bad this little flurry is coming to an end, I had fun playing with you. But, I see the white flag waving & accept your surrender Mr. Game.
You started out strong, but alas, just like your team you became wrapped up in emotions and folded like a cheaply made lawn chair.
Another easy win over McInnis Carpentry.
Yours truly,
-Don Muraco
Mike Cedrone says, you don't have to worry about anything, the Game is dead. Its like putting a pot of water on a stove-leave it on long enough, the water boils away. To put it short-the Game is all done-going away like the steam from boiling water. So you are up for the triple crown this year. You can prove that polocks can do as well as anyone.
Hey Mike-why don't you pull his pants down and suck it??? True-Bill might win the triple crown this year. But... of course the Game is out of action. So, like the Game has already said many times...enjoy your success this season, because the Game will be back, bigger, stronger, and better than ever baby!!!
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